About Us
Out Of The Above Mentioned Problem Emerged The iD-Cap™
Out of the above mentioned problem emerged the iD-Cap™ a technologically useful replacement for the conventional fiber optic dust cap that serves just one dust contamination purpose in a fiber optic network. This is a living example of how at the beginning of a commercial technology a device serves only one simple, not well thought out, purpose. The iD-Cap™ innovation substantially reduces technician labor cost, improves safety, efficacy and ease of use. Not to mention delay, frustration, tension and aggravation of dealing with a situation not readily resolvable in an expeditious manner.
This is what makes us different. Our outlook on the innovation process is as a value generating process rather than an engineering process. Our focus is on transformative products and devices rather than products and devices that disrupt an infrastructure. Actually, we do not talk that much, internally, about innovation. We get back to the basics of commercialization and do not pursue innovation separate from commercialization. One of the enKap™ company aims is to substantially improve the fiber optic and telecommunication industries today. We listen to needs and comments of service providers, consumers, technicians and other fiber optic and telecommunication users. The iD-Cap™ is an example of one such device born from listening and conversation.
Right Down To Making The Experience Better For The End User
Right down to making the experience better for the end user. Remember; enKap™ company as a high value project partner. Please contact us for on going discussion. We welcome and will sincerely respond to your earnest inquiry!